Hello... ^_^ Look how I stand in my swinging cradle...!!! I think my legs are getting stronger now, alhamdulillah. I can stand up whenever I want and wherever I want... hehehe.
Just like what you see in the photo. Now Mama should be carefull everytime she put me in cradle. Actually she should put me in there only when I sleep. Otherwise I will try to stand. Three times I fell from my cradle.... so far... hehehe.
Yesterday Mama found me standing without holding to anything... for about 10 seconds... for the first time! Actually it wasn't a big thing, cause I think that was because I forgot to hold, that's all... ^_^ Both my hands were too busy holding my toy. When I realized I didn't hold to anything... I fell... hehehe. But I think it is enough to make Mama surprise.... ^_^
Have a nice week end... ^_^
nasha, walopun sudah bisa berdiri gaya bebas, hati2 loh ya, jangan bergaya 'you jump i jump' hehehe mama lisa, be careful:-)
Wah si mama harus extra hati2 nih jagin nasha yg lg asyik2 mau berdiri.
Btw, met wiken ya..., td dah nulis di shoutbox sih tp engak tau deh shoutboxnya kayaknya lg error deh...
Hallo de' Nasha..main sama kakak Michael yuk... baby tuh dimana mana lucu aja ya kelakuannya..gemesin.
benar tuh kata bunda, saatnya harus lebih extra hati hati.. jangan sampai jatuh dan kejedut pinggiran meja.
Happy weekend nasha dan mama dan Papa..
horeee horee berhasil. bentar lagi Nasha bisa jalan deh..
wadooo jadi malu niy ama nasha, ampe sekarang aku masih hati2 banget kalo mo berdiri, takut jatuh..:) total rekorku udah 7 kali jatooh..semoga gak nambah lagi. Nasha jg cukup 3 kali ajah yah..jatoh gak enak banget..
Horeeee, nasha udah bisa berdiri tanpa pegangan yah, meskipun cuma 10 detik. Mama mesti extra hati2 jagain nasha nich :D
Cradlenya Nasya lutcuu yahh ? Disini gak ada loohh, kayaknya cuma ada di India aja yah ?
Pinjemin ke Meyra dunggg :)
Nasha udah bisa berdiri gak terasa ya mbak udah 7 bulan sekarang makin pesat pertumbuhannya
Wah tambah sehat nih kelihatannya.. :) Dekorasi ruangannya keren, euy!
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