Sunday, October 16, 2005


Yesterday when Mama busy in the bathroom putting dresses to wash I played by myself. I know Mama will angry if I disturb her... hehehe...

So I tried to find something interesting to play. Toys look so boring... Then I walked to the self and open it. I found Mama's blue pen. I took it and remove the cover... And there I go... start to write on the floor. No actually I was drawing...

It was very fun... so I kept doing my work, even when Mama came from the bathroom. I thought she will angry.. but hey, she laughed. Hehehe...

Because this is my first 'drawing' so she took the picture of it... What do you think....?

By the way, I have 4 teeth now... ^_^


Anonymous 4:05 AM  

Nasha pintar ya udah mulai belajar coret-coret :) tapi mama mesti hati-hati karena nanti bisa-bisa Nasha coret-coret tembok juga :D

Anonymous 9:21 PM  

*tepuk tangan* hehehehe,...dd nasha pinterrrr...yak, baguss!! *ala pak tino sidin* ;)tukeran gambar yuk dek,..k buna udah gambar kapal terbang lho...:)

Anonymous 2:54 AM  

Wuihh Nasya jago gambar euyy .. minta mama beliiin buku gambar dong biar lantenya gak kotor .. :P

jengnadnet & isya-ayya 5:47 AM  

Little Nashaaa..(yg dah jadi big girl)..duh senengnyaa..liat liat fotonya hehe lucu2..udah ada rambutnya lagi ;-))
ayya giginya jg udah mau 4 juga niih..kalo ayya ngemut sesuatu skarang mama udah susah negluarin dr mulut soalnya udah jago nggigit ;-))

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