Tuesday, May 31, 2005

To Tirurangadi & Passport Photo

Hallo again.. I am back after one full week I stayed in my grandparents' house (Uppa's parents) in Tirurangadi. There are a lot of cpusins there... some of them are babies like me... so I had a lot of friends to played with. It was very hot early last week... I almost never wore shirt all day, even when I sleep at night, we had to turn on the fan al the time. But last 2 days was rainy days. The weather became cold suddenly... :) Maybe the rainy season will come soon...

Yesterday we were busy to apply a passport for me. Wait.... we're not yet planning to go to Jakarta to visit my granparents and Mama's family. Not in this time... But one day we will Insha Allah... :) We're just preparing, that's all. If anytime we need to go, I already have a passport.

Here's my passpot photo ^_^ It is not a perfect photo, but it is OK for a 6 months baby, isn't it... hehehe. Uppa took it while mama tried to hold me not to make too much movements. We need some shots before we got this one.. because it is very difficult to make me quite even one minute.


Reti 11:52 AM  

Nasha lagi mikirin apa ciiih.., hihi... :)

House of Covenant 1:06 PM  

waaa Nasha udah punya passport niy, cakep lhoo fotonya..cute :)
Seneng yah Nasha punya banyak sepupu, kalo aku blom punya sama sekali hueee..huee..

blognya lambat dibuka yah? mungkin karena background-nya yah..tapi tadi mama udah remove koq ganti yang polos-polos aja.

Zubia and Yusuf's Mom 2:57 PM  

waduh de Nasha..serius ya di fotonya. Semoga passportnya cepet jadi ya De..

Layoutnya ndak ganti tuh, hayoo komputernya dede ya yang eror?:-D

erfi 6:28 AM  

Duuh lucunya foto pasportnya. Izqa juga mau dibikinin passport nih, tapi mamanya blm sempat aja ke kantor imigrasi. Tau kan kalo di Jakarta kita harus datang sendiri utk foto passport supaya di foto disana.

Kalo Nasha mau pulang kabar²i yaaa... :D

Anonymous 6:44 AM  

wah.. Nasha mikir apa ya pas difoto? Naila kadang juga klo difoto pasang tampang "kereng"

naila http://jalankenangan.net

Aiko's Mom 9:38 PM  

lucu banget poto buat passport... segituh mah bagus, punya~nya aiko malah jebih jelek;)) hehehehe...

btw, makasih yah nasha & mom buat ucapannya...

Bunda 3:40 PM  

Lutunya photo nasha, gana dulu jg gitu susah banget ngambil photo yg bagus utk pasport.

Met weekend ya nasha, mommy n' uppa.

Lili 8:28 PM  

Nasha, maaf yah Ummi baru pertama kali berkunjung ke sini. Lupa terus mau click kalau lagi berkunjung ke Blog Bunda.

Photo passport-nya lucu, mukanya sudah lebih kelihatan mirip ayah Uppa..he.he..

Kalau begitu ditunggu yah di Indo, kan sudah bisa terbang pakai Garuda kalau punya passport.

Anonymous 11:27 AM  

Nasha emang cocok sama kamera. Udah ngertiii aja kalo mau difoto & ngeliat kekamera. hehehe.
oiya, dari rumah nenek bawa oleh2 apa niy?

Liana 10:44 AM  

hehehe...bagus potonya. lucu! jadi gemes liatnya...Cun akh....Mmmuahhhhh

Asyiknya dah punya pasport, bisa pergi jalan-jalan sewaktu-waktu...Nathan blom dibikinin neh:)
Kapan Nasha mo berkunjung ke kampung halaman mamanya neh?

Hepi Dei dear

Anonymous 10:48 AM  

iya tuw, dulu deeja difoto ama mommya, ampe 12 frames akhirnya yang bagus ada 1 deh.. hehee... :D

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