Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Hyderabad Trip

Hello everybody... Assalamu'alaikum. I'm back from my trip. I feel very tired now... But I'm happy, finally I reach back home savely.

In Train to Hyderabad
We started from our home on Tuesday April 19, by train to Trichur. We didn't go directly to Hyderabad cause on April 20 we have to attend Uppa's sister's marriage. So we stayed one night in Trichur. The next day, we started from railway station around 2 PM. In the next Junction, Uppa's friends and their family joined us. So there were 3 families in the trip. The journey was good in general. I cried some times of course. But I think I didn't make too much problems. The only thing that made me uneasy is the heat. I had to removed my shirt during the train journey.

In Hyderabad
Finally, after 25 hours journey we reached Hyderabad at 2.30 PM. We went directly to our room to take a little rest and clean our bodies. At 4 PM, we started our first tour. I think Uppa and his friends didn't want to waste time... ^_^ We went to Charminar to see old monumen and old mosques. From there we continue the tour to a Park. The next day, Salar Jung Museum (the biggest personal collections in the world), Qutb Shahi Tombs (tombs of Hyderabad Kings in the past), and Golconda Fort (King's Palace) became our place to visit. I don't really know what we're doing there hehehe... They are not interesting places for a baby.. So I just keep silent and sometimes sleep while everybody carry me. On the third day, we visited Zoo, Snow World and one Park to see Laser Show.

Then the fourth day we visited RAMOJI Film City. There's a lot of replica of famous places there for the making of movies. There's a fake Railway Stations, Airport, city of London, Mumbai, etc... It is a good place, the only thing that disturbing is the climate. It is realy really hot. In the evening on the way back to our room, we dropped by to a mall. The next day we didn't go anywhere cause that day we have to catch the train at 12 noon to go back to Cochin. So from morning itself we feel relax. We used time for packing and go out for walk for some times. We reached back to our home on April 27, after 26 hours in hot long train journey.


erfi 6:47 PM  

Welcome home Nasha... seneng ya jalan². Capek ngga Nash naik kereta 24 jam lebih? Tante yg ngebayanginnya aja udah lemes :P Tapi pinter ya Nasha ngga rewel walopun capek dan kepanasan.

Tante dapat oleh² apa nih..? ;)

jengnadnet & isya-ayya 9:21 PM  

hebaatt hebaaatt..
25 jam looh..pfuuiih...
tapi worth it banget pasti ya Nash?
hmm..kapan ya isya ama ayya diajakin mama ayah jalan2 kluar jakarta? hehehe..apa kita maen ke tempatnya nasha aja ya? Amiiiin...

Anonymous 5:17 PM  

aduh itu nasha..di kereta gak pake baju????

bener tuh mamanya nasha? jadi pengen liat gambar keretanya...lama banget..udah gitu itu di foto gambar jendela kereta tuh? ;) kayanya antik...

tapi nasha pinter kok ya dijalan..*jempol*

Reti 3:56 PM  

Asiknya Nasha jalan2 :) Hehe, lucu banget poto2 segala. Hebat euy, kuat jalan2 jauh

Anonymous 5:17 PM  

nasha yg cuantik. Pasti bener2 capek ya. Tapi kan seneng bisa jalan² ke Hyderabad. Kapan2 tante diajak ya ;)

danty 12:19 AM  

udah balik ya Nasha, nasha hebat bisa tahan sampe selama itu dijalan

Anonymous 8:03 AM  

waduuuhh.. hebat banget, 25 jam di kereta.. *syok*
hyderabad bagus ya dek? di filmcity ketemu sapa? :D:D

House of Covenant 10:04 AM  

nasha..fotonya cantik-cantik lho, makin pinter aja begaya. Kalo cape abis jalan-jalan aku biasanya dipijat sama mama.. dah gitu enak banget tidurnya :)

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